What makes up a good website? What are the important elements that turn your website into profitable and efficient? As discussed earlier, merely having a website does not suffice the real purpose of developing a website in the first place. It is critical to understand the need of a professional website that has the right set of element in place to turn it into the face of your business.
What is an efficient website? A website that has an incredible design, lucid user interface or has top-grade content? To what extent does SEO help in boosting the usability of the website as well as its conversion rate? More often than not, we are either stressing on creating a visually appealing website or are more focused on the functionality. There are also chances that elements such as content copy are considered as add-ons to your website.
The conceptualization, prototyping, designing, development, testing and promotional stages of the website are all interconnected to one another. Each phase of a website development process plays an important role in shaping the future of the website. Each stage needs the expertise of a digital visualizer, designer, developer, content creator, SEO consultant as well as someone representing the business for which the website is being created.
Inter-dependence and coordination between each division of the team described above helps in establishing the important rules in terms of visual appeal, content and search engine optimization at an early stage.
Some of the top 5 elements identified for a successful website include the following:
Responsive Design
A visually appealing website design is the basis for creating an efficient website. It captures the attention of the users and leaves an impression on their minds. A responsive design is multi-device compatible as well as adaptable on multiple browsers.
Content continues to remain the ‘king’ across various digital and electronic platforms. The purpose, objective and essence of content play a key role in communicating your business message across the particular medium. A compelling copy generates leads and initiates an action from the end users.
Development platform and customization
Websites are no longer required to be build from the scratch! One requires an expert visualizer, SEO consultant and an experienced development team to build a website on a compatible and robust development platform. Whether you need a customized ecommerce website, business portal, social media network or a news website, there are various development platforms that serve your purpose. It is critical to analyze your needs and select the best development platform that matches your requirements. A competent SEO service provider also goes a long way in establishing a Google-friendly website right from the initial stages.
SEO and allied services
SEO Consultant India or search engine optimization should not be an afterthought for your online business model. Right before designing of a website, the SEO practices, activities and goals should be set in mind. Each phase of the design and development process needs the active support of an expert SEO consultant. They offer the right guidance in developing a design and interface that is search engine friendly and high on usability.
Google Analytics and maintenance
An off-shoot of SEO and its allied services is the inclusion of Google Analytic tracking as well as maintenance support for the website. The performance of your website is critically monitored and improved with the use of tracking tools and well-integrated systems such as Google Analytics.