Today’s technological advances have made it possible for employees to work from home. Whether you’re sales, medical transcription, writing or computers, telecommuting can save employees a great deal of money on gas, clothing and parking expenses. It can also employers by boosting morale, and health and wellness. However, just your employees are stationed at home doesn’t you have to be lax when it comes to worker’s compensation.

Worker’s Compensation and Telecommuters
Working from home does have a significant number of benefits such as flexibility, being around to support your and family, and the ability to work from the comfort of your own dwelling. The flexibility of hours being a telecommuter can pose a problem to employers when an employee injury is reported. an employer may find it difficult to ascertain when an is working, it can be harder to a worker’s compensation injury if your gets injured while on the job. Having them when they start and when they end can alleviate this type of concern.
Types of Telecommuting
Telecommuting can take on many forms. If your employees are hired to do sales, they may spend an excessive amount of time on the phone. Neck, head and ear can often if they remain one position for a specific amount of time. For those do computer work and type throughout the day, carpal tunnel syndrome could be problematic. You also have to worry about the home and tripping hazards.
A home decorator for filed a worker’s compensation claim after she tripped dog while working from home. The courts sided with the they felt while the employer may not have been responsible for the dog, she was working at the time of the injury. An for Patch was fired after falling and breaking bones and filing for worker’s compensation. Her supervisor implemented additional job duties after the fall and fired she couldn’t keep up. She took case to court and sued the .
Injury Prevention
When an works, it’s the employer’s responsibility to
they are working safe conditions. This the , air they breathe and jobs they do. The same pattern holds true for employees work from home. addition to providing them with a comfortable chair and equipment to make the job easier, employers need to also investigate the premises for any type of work hazards. While they may not be able to predict a trip and fall a dog, spot-checking periodically can help keep your employees safe when they telecommute. Employees can also do part by taking a approach to health and wellness. If are tools or gadgets such as a wrist brace or keyboard protector to make your job easier, you can relay your requests to your supervisor.
working from home becomes more popular, the frequency of telecommuting be on the rise. While a telecommuting related injury could be hard to, a personal injury has the knowledge and expertise to help preserve your rights and see is served
About the Author:
Freelance writer Nadine Swayne forwards this advice to her fellow telecommuters. Like any job, accidents and injuries can occur. Watch this video,, to learn more about your rights as a virtual worker to protect your best asset, you.