Blackberry just can’t do anything right nowadays. After a brief period of being the must have business phone, Blackberry have fallen to the onslaught of other smart phone manufacturers who simply make better, faster and sexier phones. The Bold 9900 is a good case in point. Marketed as a top of the line smart phone, the Bold 9900 just can’t stand up to the competition. Pitting the Bold 9900 against the similarly priced and marketed HTC One X+ it’s clear to see that Blackberry are no longer in the race. Check out the specs below if you don’t believe us.
The Pluses of the Blackberry…
There’s really not much that the Blackberry can do for you that the HTC can’t do better. It does have a full, physical QWERTY keyboard, if you like that sort of thing. But to be honest, the quality of touch screen keyboards nowadays means that physical keyboards are both old fashioned and unnecessary.
You also get slightly more talk time on the Blackberry. The Bold 9900 averages around 6.3 hours of talk time per battery charge cycle as compared to the HTC’s 6 hours. That’s not really a huge difference when it comes to how often you have to charge your battery…
The Pluses of the HTC…
What isn’t better on the HTC? For a start it’s distinctly faster. The One X+ runs a 1700 MHz processor versus the Blackberry’s 1200 Mhz, making it around forty percent faster and more responsive.
It also has thirty percent more RAM, which helps with the responsiveness and make multi tasking easier too. Your maximum data speeds are around ninety percent faster on the HTC, meaning faster downloading and web pages that open more quickly.
Moving on to the screen; the HTC’s screen is about two and a half times bigger than the Blackberry’s (no physical keyboard taking up screen space…). It also has three times better resolution and ten per cent better PPI (pixels per inch), meaning that the picture quality is sharper, clearer and brighter. The in-built camera is 8 MP, as opposed to the Blackberry’s 5 MP, making pictures more detailed and clearer, and the camera also shoots full HD movies, which the Blackberry’s doesn’t.
Oh, and you get a massive eight times more internal storage. The HTC comes with a full 64 GB of internal storage as compared to the Blackberry’s 7.8 GB. That’s eight times more photos, apps and music that can be stored on your device.
All that on a hand set that’s twenty percent thinner and lighter than the Blackberry.
Who Can the Winner Be?
From the above comparison, it’s clear that Blackberry no longer has what it takes. In order to be competitive with the likes of HTC, Apple and Samsung, Blackberry really needs to step up its game. The HTC One X+ blows the Blackberry Bold 9900 out of the water; there really is no competition at all. And for a top of the line hand set, the Bold 9900 really has nothing to offer.