Technology is the key to help companies continuously improve and remain competitive. It’s important that businesses don’t ignore this important aspect that allows them to be successful. Below are six technology examples that help companies improve, adapt and remain profitable.
Customized Software Packages
Many companies rely on separate software packages to manage different business aspects. This can result in accounting, logistics, maintenance, purchasing and operations all using different stand-alone systems that can’t communicate or share data. The result is communication issues and misinformation. Consider using a multifunctional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, such as Microsoft Dynamics, that offers an integrated solution to different departmental needs.
Unique Software Solutions
Consider using a special software solution that even professional business package can’t offer. For example, construction companies can use any CRM Software. This unique tool allows construction companies to manage every job, crew and detail through centralized communication, simplified ordering, task and production scheduling and real time reports.
Free Conference Calls
Free conference call services, whether software like Skype or an online website like UberConference, are excellent ways to drastically reduce telecommunications costs. These free services are a perfect solution for small companies which have basic needs. Research the best free conference call services to determine what would work for your company.
Web Analytics
Google Analytics is a useful tool that allows companies to accurately analyze website traffic, highlight improvement opportunities and identify customers and how they reach the website. Google Analytics is a powerful way to improve the customer experience while optimizing the website and increasing traffic.
Facebook Analytics
The Pew Research Center recently released a Social Media Update report that reveals that over 70 percent of adults who go online use Facebook. In addition to this, over 50 percent use two or more social media websites. Facebook Analytics is an interesting app that helps companies understand how visitors use the company’s iOS or Android app. That is, the software is inserted into the company’s app and can provide useful, categorized information about users.
Google Cloud
More and more companies are shifting from physical, internal networks to online cloud storage. Google Cloud offers cloud storage with universal data access, data protection and a user friendly layout. Companies benefit from not having to maintain internal equipment and staff while receiving professional online storage at an affordable price.
In conclusion, technology is an excellent way to improve companies. This can be done through software packages, unique software solutions, free conference calls, web and face analytics and cloud storage.
About The Author:
Anita is a freelance writer from Denver, CO and often writes about technology, business and finance. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing. Using Acculynx CRM Software is just one way to improve your business.