With the advancement in the computer technologies and humans taking a step ahead, from GenX to GenY, there have been a plethora of enhancements in the IT sector all across the globe. Many new players have made an entry in the market, giving a new definition to the industry and bringing along the best of handy technologies to make working easy, simple as well as protect all your important files from damage and permanent loss.
As we speak in this context there are tons of software across the web that assure you of easy backup and restore. But to tell you the truth they are complex, tedious and time consuming. Also, you cannot be sure if they are 100 per cent reliable. Here we understand the importance of market giants such as EaseUs.
EaseUS Todo Backup Home is one big fish that has been serving more than six million people since ages by making reliable, easy and quality softwares. As you make a move to the website you will see that very conveniently it demonstrates about the software’s USP. These USP’s include pointers such as affordable yet powerful, reliable and secure, easy to install and use, and last but not the least it is microsoft compatible as well.
Next, as you scroll through the site it enlightens you with the backup benefits of EaseUs Todo Backup Homesuch as :-
- System Backup – this allows you backup the entire operating system in minutes.
- File backup – with this feature you can make back up of each file and folder separately as per your need.
- Disk imaging – this is where you can efficiently back up the entire disk or volume.
- Outlook Email backup – make a backup of all your emails in a safe way.
- Scheduled backup – you can schedule backup as and how you wish. Run it on daily, monthly or event basis.
- Incremental and differential backup – with this you can only backup changes made since the last backup. This saves time as well as your storage space.
Apart from the backup feature, you can also enjoy its easy recovery feature. Just as you can create a backup the entire operating system, you can also recover it in the same manner with exact configurations in minutes. You can also enjoy the flexible recovery option and restore files as well as folders as per your ease and needs.
As you explore the site further, you will come across another amazing feature i.e. the Clone Disk. Whenever you plan to backup your system, you are forced to copy each and every file and folder which is a tedious task and takes a lot of time. With Disk Clone feature you can conveniently backup the disks as it is. The sector by sector clone option helps store an exact 100 per cent identical copy of the disk or volume, including the unused space. Just go to clone disk and follow the simple steps given on the site for easy cloning of your disk.
To conclude, EaseUs Todo Backup Home is one of the best backup and restore software you may find in the market. All you need to do is install the software and make the most of it.