If you’re a subscriber to the belief system that mobile marketing is a total waste of time, think again! Over the course of the last few years, cellular phones have completely changed for the better. New technologies, bigger screens, faster processors, and amazing capabilities that can actually pave the way to incredible profits. Heck, you can even program your cellular phone to open garage doors these days!
And here’s some helpful information you may not be aware of. Mobile marketing is a nearly untapped market that’s perfect to promote your online or offline business. Meaning, enough time has gone by with cellular phone screens being big enough to display relevant advertising, that it’s turning into a gold mine of profits. And we all know how profitable Internet marketing campaigns can be. Look at the CEO of Ebay and PayPal! They started through Internet marketing strategies, and they started with nearly ZERO start up capital. You could be the next “rags to riches” success story. Don’t believe it can happen? Just take a look at the success stories listed on the website, and you’ll find bonafide proof that mobile advertising works just as well as PC advertising, if not better.
Protexting makes it so easy to start a mobile marketing campaign, that even a child could do it. And if you’re worried about affordability, don’t be. Protexting allows you to start a self-managed campaign for as low as $69 a month. This will give you the chance to try their services without having to spend a lot to do it. Once you see the results, you’ll be thankful of the nearly untapped mobile marketing marketplace.
And here’s a quick tip to get you started. The more “targeted” your marketing campaign, the better your results will be. If you don’t know exactly what targeted marketing is, we’ll provide a quick example below.
Example Targeted Mobile Marketing Campaign:
Bob runs a local restaurant. He knows that by staying local with his advertising campaign, he stands the best chance at reaching new customers and making more money. In order to do this, Bob set up an email capture mobile marketing campaign requesting people in the South Sacremento, California area sign up. In two months, Bob started seeing more and more customers grace his business, and it was all thanks to his mobile marketing campaigns.
To get the ball rolling with Protexting and get your piece of this nearly virgin marketplace, visit the website and get in touch. You can email or call Protexting directly to get started.