While picking the right domain name and extension is important, equally important is the selection of a hosting provider that can provide you with a fast website that is always up, and always accessible. While no host can deliver upon a promise of 100 percent up time, the good hosts will keep downtime to a minimal by using high-end servers that can handle the demands put upon them by the websites they host.
Shared web hosting plans are the most common type of hosting plan. With this type of plan, your website will share space on a server with many other websites. There is also the option to upgrade to a virtual private server, which gives you a partition of space on a server – the server is still shared with other websites, but the partition your website is on will generally not be affected by the other websites. But for truly high-needs websites that need a lot of storage space, a lot of data transfer, and plenty of resources available, you’ll want to choose a dedicated server. While significantly higher in cost than a shared hosting plan, a dedicated server will meet your needs and then some. You’ll have all of the space and bandwidth at your disposal, the ability to upgrade by changing out processors or adding on more RAM and/or hard drive space. And, most importantly, you’ll have room to grow, so if your business expands, your website can expand with it.
If you buy hosting, it’s a good idea to compare different plans, and whether you go with a shared hosting account or your own personal space on a dedicated server, opt for a plan that meets your needs with a little room to spare. By having this cushion of space and bandwidth, you won’t have to worry about your site maxing out and being suspended — or even bringing down the entire server — in the midst of peak traffic. Finally, be sure to look at the features your potential host provides, as well as add-on options, and of course prices for all of the services you might buy.