Facebookshares, the largest social networking in the world, rose to a record of $ 51.04 a share, after the company announced it would sell advertising on the photo app Instagram.
Ads will appear in the coming months in the U.S. mobile app Instagram, which allows users to share photos on smartphones, according to the announcement Facebook.
Instagram works with the same philosophy as Facebook does – they want the ads to fit seamlessly into the flow of images of the user and not seem different content offered by friends. Basically, this means extra effort from the brands to tailor advertisements artistically which might become viral.
Users will be able to hide ads they do not want to see, according to its developer, and they will also be able to provide feedback on what is wrong with the ads posted. Facebook bought Instagram last year for $ 700 million, and the photo application has over 150 million users.
Happy birthday, Instagram!
Three years ago, on October 6th, 2010, Instagram was born. The social network so popular now was just an interesting experiment at the time. It got to be worth a billion dollars, acquired by Facebook and have 150 million users.
Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger started Burbn application and decided to center on photos. On March 5th2010, Systrom succeeded in attracting $ 500,000 funding from an investment fund and the initial reaction after the launch was a great one. The application was initially released only on iPhone and promised fast, simple and beautiful photos. How could they do this? Color filters, square cutting and limiting the size of each picture. After Instagram, many clones were born, but none reached the popularity of the network. On Instagram, you will find the accounts of the State Department, White House, NASA, Justin Bieber and Paul McArtney.
Before Instagram,Systrompassed through Odeo, the company that was to become Twitter and Google, where he handled Gmail and Google Reader. He met with Mike Krieger and like any dream in San Francisco, they decided to put develop an application. Within hours after the launch, thousands of people had downloaded it. Systems servers kept falling.
The two founders have realized that Burbn looked too much like Foursquare, so they decided to do something simple. “We named it this was because it said exactly what it was doing –a sort of instant telegrams”, wrote Systrom. The two founders come to carry laptops with them everywhere to solve network problems. Within 24 hours, 25,000 people were using the application, and in the third week, it had 300,000 users. But even if they were so successfully, they used a discrete strategy: only 11 employees, most Stanfordgraduates.
Why Instagram?
The problem of smartphone users in 2010 was that their pictures looked pretty bad, mobile phone not being ready for the assault of social networks. Also, another problem was their size, unsuitable for slow internet connections and very expensivedata subscriptions. “The photos were loading and downloading very difficult. The magic of fast uploads is not to upload a high resolution”, said Systrom. Instead of 3 MB, photos had 60 kb.
Incredible evolution
On April 3rd, 2012 Instagram app was released for Android, at everyone expected it so anxiously, that they had millions of downloads in just 24 hours. On April 9, 2012, Instagram was acquired by Facebook, after 48 hours of negotiations.
Kevin Systrom: “I knew Instagram was going to be a success”.
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