A Chromebook is a Laptop which runs Chrome OS as its Operating system and the devices are designed as to be used primarily while connected to the internet and with the most applications and data residing ‘In the cloud’. With some adjustment while using computer, even with the same operating system Chromebook takes a little time to get the hang for most of the users. But it may not seem to be different for you, but for the people who are not so friendly with the technology, they can feel little uncomfortable at the beginning but they will adjust right after some weeks.
If you are getting ready and want to gift Chromebook to your friend or Family member who is not much familiar with the present technology, then you can just expect for the things to go in a little rough way but after weeks they will surely feel comfortable to use by re-learning how to use computer. And as you won’t be able to teach and take every single call from them about teaching how to do that and this, there is someone who’s there all the time for help.
The helping app is exactly called ChromeBook help app.
Guides for new users:
Sometimes you or your near ones may be in need of some help in figuring out in their new machine or just to the app drawer. But the icons with the nine squares in which the windows icon was on their old computer, and they’ll even see a green icon with a question mark. Clicking this icon will redirect you in Chromebook help app, which is a part tutor, part tech support and part user manual. Here you can even browse through the manual by the topic and you can even search using the search bar at the top of the app. “New to Chromebooks” section is right at the top in which it is offered step by step directions for the newbies, and things like creating and opening files, moving stuff from one computer to another, adjusting keyboards or other many more important steps which is very useful for the new users. There are even more categories like media, printing, apps which can be very useful and sticky for the new Chromebook users.
Using Chromebook is the simpliest thing:
It is very easy and simple to use Chromebook, and the keyboard are even more simple to use. Google has replaced F-key row with the functions we need like volume control, brightness control, power and many more etc, which works completely amazing. Installing apps is very easy and we can easily download and install apps with the help of Chrome browser with Chrome’s Web apps store which a Chromebook directly redirects you into that and you can keep and take advantage of the Chromebook as you want.
When it comes to the end, its always about “Fixing a problem” in which you can try and troubleshoot your chromebook before calling for help and there are even more categories for helping you in your troubleshoot issues which is not covered completely on their own section like getting online section, internet issues.
When you want help and if you wish to contact directly to the agents or for more help information you can visit Chromebook Central, if the agents are available you can directly chat with them for any questions and queries. And if you fail to contact the agents over there, you can also check the Chromebook help website, which have a features of contact us button exactly on the top right side bar, which will take you to 24-7 live chat and even during the business hours you can even request a phone call and start getting help instantly.
Author Introduction:
Pulkit Juneja is a tech blogger who writes about latest tech news tips and tricks on his blog, quedio.com.