Over at the Creative Bloq, they have a really amazing infographic that shows how to really supercharge your apps – and why you would want to do so. You should go check out the full thing – the original – but we wanted to breakdown the points mentioned so that you will know the answer to the question of whether or not you should care about Facebook apps.
Supercharging Facebook Apps Infographic
The Facebook app infographic over at Creative Bloq is really amazing. Even though there’s not a lot of information, the numbers and facts that are included are very easy to read. With a grunge theme, the infographic clearly shows how companies are profiting by having apps in the Facebook market.
Here’s a look at some of the nuggets of information found in the infographic.
Kobo – which is big in the ereading space – has seen a 50% increase in traffic thanks to their Facebook app.
Tumblr – the popular blogging network – has seen referrals from Facebook apps increase by 2.5 which is very impressive with their existing traffic numbers.
The user base at GogoBot has increased by about 50%, which directly affects the popularity of the website as more content is generated by users.
Why Care About Facebook Apps?
Mobile apps are important. No one is denying that fact. However, Facebook has a huge audience – with many of them accessing the social media network on a mobile device. This means you have a ready-made audience if you can come up with an app that’s useful, entertaining or even both at the same time.
Mobile and Facebook – When you begin to look at the numbers, it’s interesting to note that 7 out of 10 of the highest grossing apps for iOS are now also available on Facebook. There’s a reason for this.
More Users – Most companies and brands that have concentrated on Facebook apps have seen a distinct increase in the number of users – traffic that ends up on their main website where they can further monetize it.
Douglas Purdy, of Microsoft fame, wrote a recent blog post about the importance of the Facebook app-space. Turns out that developers ask him all the time whether they should develop for mobile or for Facebook. His answer is simple – develop and design for both. This is wise device for anyone who is involved in online these days.
This is sound advice, and when you look at the infographic showing how some brands have really cashed in by using Facebook apps, it’s easy to see why they should be important to you. Still, at the end of the day you’re going to want to direct those Facebook App users to your main website where you can monetize them and keep your business going.
Written by: Berndatte Silver found a Directory Script online that really works well. She’s really interested in infographics design online.