Smart marketers can understand the benefits of social proof; it is a marketing strategy that can solve the confusions of potential buyers. Social proof gained more importance in 2013 because potential consumers are using commercial website. With the advent of the internet, a buyer can grab the immense amount of information regarding the product. Before investing precious money in a product, ever buyer checks above-mentioned vital things.
- More than 70% of Americans check the reviews and ratings before buying a product from the online commercial website.
- Almost 73% of people are buying a product from the reputed seller.
It is one of the most powerful techniques that will assist you in buying products. Every user heavily influenced by ratings, reviews, and testimonials, etc. Let’s discuss ten important & necessary social proof that you should use on your official website.
What social proof is?
Nowadays, before buying any product, a bunch of people is checking testimonials, reviews, and ratings, etc. It means you can make a final buying decision in a fraction of seconds. If you are starting a new website, then you must incorporate new social proof with them. Following are 10 social proof that you add to your website.
- Always add Testimonial option next to the contact option.
- Install testimonials from the call-to-action button
- Must add the option in about us section
Case Studies
Ratings & Reviews
Email Subscriber Count
Social Networking Websites Plug-in
Endorsements from Celebrities
User Generate Content & Blogs
Feature a Client list on the Website
Customer Suggestions
Nowadays, you can find testimonials on every website. Researchers depict that 92% of people prefer social proof as a testimonial. It is quite similar to the reviews, but most of the people are using with services. It is the best option because one company can increase the conversion rate by 40 to 50%. Following is some great ideas for placing testimonials.
Is it really beneficial? If you want to achieve business goals, then you must opt for Testimonials because it can describe the complete story of the product.
It has become high-end and powerful social proof where one can obtain complete story of products. Like, one can obtain the success story behind the product. If you are creating best case studies, then you can attract a higher amount of potential buyers on the website. However, case studies will reveal the positive and negative features of your product. It means you are representing the reality of your product in front of an audience. Along with case studies, you should make the use of reviews.
You must consider the rating & review option on the website where customers can update their thoughts. As per researchers, 90% of the buyers look at reviews and rating of the product. If you want to improve the sell and service of the product, then the social proof is must for you.
Most of the multinational companies are using social proof that is improving the reputation of the company. However, some websites totally depend on the credentials. Therefore, you must add a review of the product in the credential section. After that, you must share it with friends, and potential buyers.
So how many subscribers currently do you have on your email? If you have more than 75000 subscribers, then you must show the list on the official website. However, every person wants to become part of multinational companies. Therefore, it will attract organic customers from the targeted area.
Social networking sites have become legal, social proof. Therefore, you must install the social plug-in on your official website. However, you should add the best product of your company in social sites that improve the revenue of the company. It will increase the followers, likes, and share on the official id.
It is a top-notch option that you should add in the about us section. Like, if you are hiring the celebrities as a brand ambassador, then you should mention their name on the official website. You should add such option on your website and Blog.
If you are creating user generate option on your website, then you must add social proof like as pictures, posts on blogs and videos. Make sure that you are sharing genuine content with audience. It will improve the conversion rate and organic traffic.
Every company has thousands of regular clients. If they are satisfied with your products, then you should add the list on the official website. It will create a big impact on other consumers.
If you are reading reviews on a regular basis then you must add suggestion option on the website. Firstly, you should grab a suggestion from the review section and then you post suggestions in other section.
Moving further, if you really want to attract more customers, then you should add above-mentioned social proof on the official website.
About the Author:
PankajJangir is a professional online Digital Marketing Trainer. He has good knowledge of Website Designing and Digital Marketing. He made a website i.e. FB Post Likes from Facebook users can grow the likes on their Facebook pages and posts.